THS Rules and Regulations
Transitional Housing Program (THS)
Rules and Agreement for Residents
(Updated and Revised as of 9/24/2021)
- Absolutely no use of any tobacco products in the house.
- No possession or use of alcohol or other drugs.
- Only prescription medications are allowed.
- Residents must follow curfew established by their Agent of Record or the program curfew—10pm.
- No lingering or loitering outside the property, such as on front porches or back alleyways. Smoking is only allowed outside in designated smoking areas.
- Residents must sign in and out. You are not permitted to ever sign your roommate in or out.
- Residents will follow EMP schedule as established by their Agent of Record.
- Residents are not allowed to enter another resident’s room or use their possessions without permission. If the property is a duplex, residents are not allowed to enter other apartment.
- Any personal disputes that cannot be resolved appropriately between roommates should be reported with THS staff.
- Residents will not display or possess items that portray, or that could be deemed to be offensive, discriminatory, threatening, or sexually explicit to anyone based on race, color, religion, sex/gender, national origin, age, disability/handicap (whether physical, mental or cognitive), or sexual orientation (including LGBTQ+ status).
- Absolutely no pets.
- DOC Staff and Genesis staff will conduct on-site visits at any time.
- Absolutely no tolerance for stealing.
- Do not use the oven for heating the apartment or drying clothes.
- There is ONE phone line provided per unit. Residents must share the telephone.
- Absolutely no tampering with door locks, smoke alarms, furnaces, refrigerators, stoves, or carbon monoxide detectors. If there is a problem with any of these things, it should be reported to the site checker immediately.
- You shall not possess any electronics excepts for a radio. (No video game systems, Televisions, or DVD players.)
- You acknowledge and agree that you have received food upon arrival/orientation.
- No visitors (including minors) are allowed unless approved by the resident’s Agent of Record.
- Residents are expected to keep their own rooms and the shared living areas clean and tidy.
- No association with minors unless approved by resident’s Agent of Record.
- No possession or use of controlled substances.
- No possession of weapons of any type. This includes but is not limited to: personal knives, guns, electronic control devices (e.g. stun gun) or chemical agent sprays (e.g., pepper spray, mace, OC).
- DOC staff may perform searches of resident’s rooms without notice.
I understand these rules and regulations. I agree to follow them.
Name: ________________________________________
Signature: ______________________Date: _____________