
Our psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, case managers, and counselors use with skill and compassion a variety of techniques to achieve behavior modification, aiming to reduce recidivism and promote rehabilitation. Here are some of the most common methods:

  1. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): This approach helps individuals recognize and change negative thought patterns and behaviors. Techniques include recognizing thought errors, social skills training, and relaxation exercises.
  2. Operant Conditioning: This involves reinforcing desirable behaviors and punishing undesirable ones. Positive reinforcement (rewards) and negative reinforcement (removing unpleasant stimuli) are used to encourage good behavior, while positive punishment (adding unpleasant stimuli) and negative punishment (removing pleasant stimuli) are used to discourage bad behavior.
  3. Behavioral Modification Programs: These programs often use a combination of reinforcement, punishment, and other techniques like shaping (gradually molding behavior by reinforcing successive approximations) and chaining (breaking down a behavior into smaller steps and teaching each step sequentially).
  4. Social Learning Theory: This technique involves learning behaviors through observation and imitation of others. Role-playing and modeling are common methods used to teach new behaviors.
  5. Motivational Interviewing: This is a counseling approach that helps individuals find the motivation to make positive changes. It involves empathetic listening and encouraging individuals to talk about their goals and reasons for change.
  6. Mindfulness and Stress Reduction Techniques: These techniques help individuals manage stress and emotions, which can reduce impulsive and aggressive behaviors. Practices include mindfulness meditation, deep breathing exercises, and progressive muscle relaxation.

These techniques are often used in combination to address the complex needs of individuals and to create a comprehensive treatment plan.

Additionally, while they are in our care, we arrange for all our clients the provision of an array of healthcare services, including primary care or specialist physician or Nurse Practitioners services, diagnostic lab or radiology services, and medication therapy – depending on the needs of each individual client.  Medication therapy is especially important in that most mental illnesses and SUDs are brain-based disorders that require medication.  We also provide assistance with respect to social and related services, such as:

  1. Housing Assistance: Finding stable housing is crucial for successful reintegration.
  2. Employment Services: Job readiness programs, vocational training, and employment placement services help individuals gain the skills and opportunities needed to secure and maintain employment.
  3. Family Reunification: Programs aimed at strengthening family bonds and facilitating family reunification are essential for emotional support and stability.
  4. Transportation Services for doctor or family visits.
  5. Recreation therapy – including outings to movies, exercise clubs, the zoo, etc.