Genesis PREA Policies & Procedures

1. Purpose

To establish a zero-tolerance policy towards sexual abuse and sexual harassment in all facilities operated by Genesis Behavioral Services, Inc., in compliance with the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) of 2003.

2. Scope

This policy applies to all employees, contractors, volunteers, and residents within Genesis Behavioral Services, Inc. facilities.

3. Definitions

  • Sexual Abuse: Any non-consensual sexual act or behavior.
  • Sexual Harassment: Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.
  • Resident-on-Resident Sexual Abuse: Sexual acts or behaviors between residents without consent.
  • Staff Sexual Misconduct: Any sexual behavior between staff and residents, regardless of consent.
  • Staff Sexual Harassment: Verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature by staff towards residents.

4. Zero Tolerance Policy

Genesis Behavioral Services, Inc. maintains a zero-tolerance policy towards all forms of sexual abuse and harassment. All incidents will be thoroughly investigated and addressed.

5. Prevention

  • Training: All staff, contractors, and volunteers will receive training on PREA standards, including recognizing signs of sexual abuse and harassment, and appropriate responses.
  • Resident Education: Residents will be educated on their rights under PREA, how to report incidents, and available support services.
  • Environment: Facilities will be designed and maintained to minimize opportunities for sexual abuse and harassment.

6. Reporting

Any victim of sexual abuse, assault, sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, or staff sexual misconduct should report it immediately.  If you have knowledge of any incident of sexual assault in any correction facility or in a Genesis Behavioral Services treatment house please report it immediately.

Reporting can be submitted in one of the following ways to any staff member or Client Rights Specialist:

  •  Verbally         
  •  In writing to any staff member or Client Rights Specialist
  • Anonymously
  • By a third party

All reported incidents will be investigated including all recent incidents, as well as incidents that occurred months even years ago.

Genesis Behavioral Services prohibits anyone from interfering with an investigation, including intimidation or retaliation against the accuser or a witness. Residents and staff can report incident confidentially without fear of retaliation.

Allegations can be submitted anonymously to

    7. Response

    1. Immediate Action: Steps to be taken immediately following a report of sexual abuse or harassment, including medical care and separation of involved parties.
    2. Investigation: Detailed procedures for conducting thorough and impartial investigations.
    3. Support Services: Access to counseling and support services for victims of sexual abuse and harassment.

    8. Monitoring and Auditing

    1. Compliance Monitoring: Regular audits to ensure compliance with PREA standards.
    2. PREA Coordinator: Designation of a PREA Compliance Manager responsible for overseeing policy implementation and compliance.

    9. Disciplinary Actions

    1. Staff: Disciplinary actions for staff found to have engaged in sexual abuse or harassment, up to and including termination.
    2. Residents: Consequences for residents found to have engaged in sexual abuse or harassment.

    10. Review and Revision

    • Policy Review: Regular review and updates to the policy to ensure ongoing compliance with PREA standards and best practices.

    11. Contact Information

    1. PREA Compliance Manager: Debra Schiess, RN, BSN,
    2. External Reporting Agency: Contact DOC PREA office @ 608-240-5113
    3. Report it directly to local law enforcement by calling 9-1-1
    4. Additionally, the Wisconsin Department of Corrections (DOC) investigates all PREA-related allegations of sexual abuse and sexual harassment, past and present. To report sexual abuse or sexual harassment, an inmate or youth may:
    • Tell, or write to, any staff member
    • File a grievance;
    • Contact local law enforcement; or
    • Tell any family member, friend or support person.

    To notify DOC on behalf of an inmate or youth, a third party may complete a Report By Email
    Please provide as much detail as possible, including:

    • Inmate or youth full name
    • Inmate or youth date of birth
    • Inmate or youth DOC number
    • Facility in which the incident occurred
    • Facility in which the inmate or youth is currently housed (if different from above)
    • Description of incident including date, locations, circumstances
    • Suspect information
    • Your contact information, if you wish to be contacted regarding this allegation

    Reports from third parties may be discussed with the victim named in the report. Information related to the report will only be shared with those who need to know to ensure the victim’s safety and begin an administrative investigation.

    DOC refers all allegations that involve potentially criminal behavior to local law enforcement. DOC fully cooperates and collaborates with local law enforcement during an investigation to ensure that individuals involved are held accountable under criminal law and DOC administrative code.